\ A VOZ PORTALEGRENSE: "Wenn ich Kultur höre ... entsichere ich meinen Browning!"

terça-feira, dezembro 28, 2010

"Wenn ich Kultur höre ... entsichere ich meinen Browning!"

A revista ÚNICA do semanário Expresso de 11 de Dezembro de 2010 tem um trabalho, da página 68 à 72, assinado por Paulo Nogueira intitulado «Célebres e erradas»
Começa assim: _ São tiradas que ficaram para a história, atribuídas aos seus autores famosos. Mas nem tudo o que foi dito para a posteridade foi registado exatamente como foi dito…
Com serria expectável, lá surge a estafada frase atribuída a Goering, “Quando ouço falar de cultura, puxo da minha pistola”.
Ora, Paulo Nogueira ‘dá o seu ao seu dono’. A frase é uma deturpação de uma outra. E essa outra é de uma peça de teatro de um alemão chamado Hanns Johst, intitulada «Schlageter».
É evidente que apesar deste repor da verdade, jamais se deixará de atribuir a Goering a ‘frase maldita’. Mas, claro, Hermann Goering pertence aos vencidos da História, melhor, do lado errado da História.
Assim sendo, nada a fazer!
Mário Casa Nova Martins
When the Nazis achieved power in 1933, Johst wrote the play Schlageter, an expression of Nazi ideology performed on Hitler's 44th birthday, April 20, 1933 to celebrate his victory. It was a heroic biography of the proto-Nazi martyr Albert Leo Schlageter. The famous line "when I hear the word culture, I reach for my gun", often associated with Nazi leaders, derives from this play. The actual original line from the play is slightly different: "Wenn ich Kultur höre ... entsichere ich meinen Browning!" "Whenever I hear of culture... I release the safety catch of my Browning!" (Act 1, Scene 1). It is spoken by another character in conversation with the young Schlageter. In the scene Schlageter and his wartime comrade Friedrich Thiemann are studying for a college examination, but then start disputing whether it is worthwhile doing so when the nation is not free. Thiemann argues he would prefer to fight than to study.

SCHLAGETER: Good old Fritz! (Laughing.) No paradise will entice you out of your barbed wire entanglement!
THIEMANN: That's for damned sure! Barbed wire is barbed wire! I know what I'm up against.... No rose without a thorn!... And the last thing I'll stand for is ideas to get the better of me! I know that rubbish from '18..., fraternity, equality, ..., freedom..., beauty and dignity! You gotta use the right bait to hook 'em. And then, you're right in the middle of a parley and they say: Hands up! You're disarmed..., you republican voting swine! — No, let 'em keep their good distance with their whole ideological kettle of fish.... I shoot with live ammunition! When I hear the word culture..., I release the safety on my Browning!"
SCHLAGETER: What a thing to say!
THIEMANN: It hits the mark! You can be sure of that.
SCHLAGETER: You've got a hair trigger.

—Hans Johst's Nazi Drama Schlageter. Translated with an introduction by Ford B. Parkes-Perret. Akademischer Verlag Hans-Dieter Heinz, Stuttgart, 1984.