António Jacinto Pascoal
I’ve known houses; I’ve known houses ancient as the
I’ve known houses; I’ve known houses ancient as the
world and older than the flow of my father. My soul has
grown plain like the houses.

His poetry can be found in many different anthologies of poetry. He currently lives in Arronches.
His publications include:
Poetry - Os Dias Reunidos (1998; National Prize Guerra Junqueiro); A Contratempo (2000); Terceiro Livro (2003; National Prize Guerra Junqueiro); No Meio do Mundo (2005); As Palavras da Tribo (2005; distinguished by the IPLB and the Ministry of Culture), and Cello Concerto (2006).
Translation - O Canto de Todos, Antologia Poética de Violeta Parra ([Chile]; preface, advertisement, biography, and notes).
Editorship - Poemas do Índico, by Jall Hussein (2004; preface and notes, 2004); As Mulheres Visíveis, Antologia de Poemas Sobre Mulheres (VVAA). (2005; preface and notes). Forthcoming: Nicolás Guillén e José Craveirinha: (Uni)versos Simultâneos (essay); A Granada e a Rosa (poetry); Ethos (poetry); O Lugar Incerto da Besta (poetry); Dos Acasos (poetry), and A Última Condição (novel).
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